minikube start

Kubernetes tasks


  • Start a local Kubernetes cluster
minikube start
  • Stop the local Kubernetes cluster
minikube stop
  • manually import image into local cluster (by default, minikube uses the Docker Hub registry to pull images, and it doesn’t have access to your local ones. Therefore, it will not find the image you built for the Catalog Service application)
minikube image load catalog-service:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT


Create Deployment for application container

kubectl create deployment catalog-service --image=catalog-service:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Create Service for application Deployment

kubectl expose deployment catalog-service --name=catalog-service --port=8080

###3 Port forwarding from localhost to Kubernetes cluster

kubectl port-forward service/catalog-service 8000:8080

Delete Deployment for application container

kubectl delete deployment catalog-service

Delete Service for application container

kubectl delete service catalog-service