
Web based microbloggin application. Users can create, update and delete their blog posts and profiles. They can also follow other users and be followed back. There are various users such as administrators, moderators, regular users and and anonymous users.

Primary LanguagePython


Web based microblogging application. It consist of several users with various permissions that enables users to perform various actions. Users can create, update and delete microblog posts and their profiles too. Administrators type of users who can regulate the content users post and manage users on top of what all other users can do. Content moderators are type of users that can moderate the contents of the microblogs on top of what all other usres can do except for admins regular users can create, update or delete microblog posts; they can follow other users, and be followed back. They can also view posts(for other users and theirs) <<<<<<< HEAD anonymous users can only view posts by regular registered users but cannot follow, create or edit post. Users can also create or comment or react to other user's posts

anonymous users can only view posts by regular regustered users but cannot follow, create or edit post. Users can also create or comment on other users posts.
