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The Alchemy Code Lab Tech Swap is a project that was created as a for new students to not have thier education limited by technology.

Intended for Alumni and those with extra equipment (ie. computers, monitors, webcams, ect.) to either sell or give away to Alchemy Code Lab students.

Our Project team members are:

Our core project planning was done on Miro board and you can view our planning:
Miro Board

Our data base is hosted on SupaBase.com

Our data is hosted on two seperate tables, User & Products

  • User host all data for when a user signs up and sets an unique Id for each sign up. Collecting Email, Slack ID, and LinkedIn link. Techswap2
  • Products table collects Title, Description, Price, Image Upload, Condition, Cateogry, Sold/Aviable, and a user_id to connect the users ID to the product ID. Techswap2
  • for more detailed look, navigate to our Miro Board