
Ansible role for deploy k3s on UTM

Primary LanguageSmarty


This is ansible role for deploying k3s cluster on UTM. Tested only on MacOS v14.1 M2. By default, it deploys 3 nodes one control plane and 2 workers and optional manually (ansible role not deploy dns vm) an additional 1 dns vm, tested on bind.


k3s, cilium, hubble, metallb, ingress nginx controller.


  • On UTM install clear Alpine vm tested on Alpine 3.17

  • On home router binding IP and Mac addresses for your vms

  • Install in clear alpine vm sudo for, add config to sudoers NOPASS

  • Install pip for Alpine

    wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    python get-pip.py
  • install psutil for alpine

      apk add build-base linux-headers
      python -m pip install psutil

Run deploy

sh ./script.sh