
Here is the UI I want you to implement for a login page:

Here is a structure of UI I would like you to implemenet for the login page:

UI Layout Description and Construction Instructions General Layout Background Color: Set the entire background color of the webpage to a light green (#F3FFF3). Container Setup Main Container: Create a flex container to hold two sections: the illustration and the login form. Set the flex direction to row and justify the content to space-between to distribute space evenly between the two sections. Add 40px padding around the container. Left Section (Illustration and Text) Section Container:

Padding: Add 40px padding on all sides. Alignment: Center-align the content vertically and horizontally. Illustration:

Positioning: Center the illustration within the left section with approximately 20px margin from the top. Dimensions: Set the width to 300px and the height to 300px. Text Below Illustration:

Title Text: Font Size: Set to 24px. Font Weight: Bold. Color: Dark gray (#333333). Alignment: Center-align the text. Margin: Add 20px margin below the illustration. Subtitle Text: Font Size: Set to 16px. Color: Medium gray (#666666). Alignment: Center-align the text. Right Section (Login Form) Form Container:

Width: Set to 400px. Padding: Add 40px padding on all sides. Background Color: White (#FFFFFF). Border Radius: Set to 8px for rounded corners. Shadow: Apply a light box shadow for elevation (0px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)). Form Fields:

Username or Email Field:

Label: Text: "Username or email". Font Size: 16px. Font Weight: Normal. Color: Dark gray (#333333). Margin: 0 0 5px 0. Input Field: Width: 100%. Height: 50px. Padding: 10px. Font Size: 16px. Border: 1px solid #CCCCCC. Border Radius: 4px. Margin: 0 0 20px 0. Password Field:

Label: Text: "Password". Font Size: 16px. Font Weight: Normal. Color: Dark gray (#333333). Margin: 0 0 5px 0. Input Field: Width: 100%. Height: 50px. Padding: 10px. Font Size: 16px. Border: 1px solid #CCCCCC. Border Radius: 4px. Margin: 0 0 20px 0. Buttons and Links:

Sign In Button:

Width: 100%. Height: 50px. Background Color: Dark gray (#333333). Font Color: White (#FFFFFF). Font Size: 16px. Font Weight: Bold. Border Radius: 4px. Margin: 20px 0 20px 0. Cursor: Pointer on hover. Forgot Password Link:

Text: "Forgot password?". Font Size: 14px. Color: Medium gray (#666666). Text Decoration: None by default, underline on hover. Margin: 0 0 20px 0. Cursor: Pointer on hover. Google Sign In Button:

Width: 100%. Height: 50px. Background Color: White (#FFFFFF). Border: 1px solid light gray (#DDDDDD). Font Size: 16px. Font Weight: Bold. Color: Dark gray (#333333). Border Radius: 4px. Margin: 0 0 20px 0. Cursor: Pointer on hover. Alignment: Center-align text and Google logo. Create Account Link:

Text: "Are you new? Create an Account". Font Size: 14px. Color: Green (#00AA00). Text Decoration: None by default, underline on hover. Margin: 20px 0 0 0. Cursor: Pointer on hover. Alignment: Center-align text. Final Touches Spacing: Ensure there is 40px margin between the left and right sections. Responsive Design: Make sure the design is responsive and looks good on various screen sizes by using media queries to adjust padding, margins, and font sizes accordingly.

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If you clone this repo and push changes, you will have them reflected in the GPT Engineer UI.

Tech stack

This project is built with React and Chakra UI.

  • Vite
  • React
  • Chakra UI


git clone
cd green-login-page
npm i
npm run dev

This will run a dev server with auto reloading and an instant preview.
