

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: React.js, Three.js, React Three Fiber, Framer Motion, Tailwind CSS
  • Utility: Email JS
  • Build Tool: Vite

Key Features:

  • Customizable 3D Hero Section & Interactive Elements
  • Dynamic 3D Skills Section & Animated Project Presentations
  • Seamless Contact with a 3D Earth Model & Responsive Design
  • Clean, maintainable code for future growth

This project demonstrates my proficiency in:

  • Crafting Captivating 3D Experiences: I leverage Three.js and React Three Fiber to create stunning 3D graphics and animations that grab attention and effectively highlight your work.
  • Building Interactive Interfaces: I'm skilled in using libraries like Framer Motion to design engaging user experiences that bring your portfolio to life.
  • Mastering Modern Web Development: I'm proficient in React, JavaScript, and popular UI/UX frameworks, ensuring efficient and well-structured code.
  • Delivering Responsive Designs: I prioritize seamless user experience across all devices (desktop, mobile, etc.) for a truly accessible portfolio.

Cloning the repository

git clone https://github.com/AldinRekic/3d-portfolio-example.git

Install packages

npm i

Start the app

npm run dev

Available commands

Running commands with npm npm run [command]

command description
dev Starts a development instance of the app