
How to install ⚙️

Clone this repo where your philo folder resides.

git clone

Usage 🔧

Make sure your executable is already created, enter the philo-tester folder and launch it with the command below to test the mandatory part.

./tester m


Make sure the paths are correct and if there's any trouble, try with ./tester --help.

Good luck!

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️

This test is not 100% fail proof and should not be the sole reason of failing the assignment. Fails written in Yellow are not as important since they are stressing tests, they are only to test the worst cases of your program. This tester bases itself on the outputs given by your program, hence you will have issue if you use specific or custom error messages. This tester is mostly useful to see where your program fails so that you can fix those cases.