Bangkit Mentees Submission


1. Project Setup

  1. Install NodeJS latest version here
  2. Run npm install to install all dependencies

2. Data Preparation

  1. Open the Final_Evaluation_Interface_ML-04.xlsx file
  2. Fill the Final_Evaluation_Interface_ML-04.xlsx in Original sheet with your data
  3. Replace or reuse the Machine Learning Comment sheet with your data
  4. Save the Machine Learning Comment sheet as Machine Learning Comment.csv
  5. Save the Original sheet as Original.csv
  6. Open the converter here
  7. Upload the Machine Learning Comment.csv and Original.csv to the converter and convert it to JSON
  8. Copy the JSON result to each files named original.json and comments.json
  9. Open assessment.js and change the keys variable by matching it with the comments.json

3. Get Mentor Token

  1. Go to website
  2. Login with your account
  3. On the dashboard page, press f12 (Inspect Element) and get the token by follow this image below Get Token
  4. Copy the token to your clipboard (Without Bearer)
  5. Paste the token to assessment.js on the token variable

4. Get Users Data

  1. Go to evaluation page at
  2. Press f12 (Inspect Element) and get the users data by follow this image below Get Users Data
  3. Copy the users data to your clipboard by click the data response (Copy Value)
  4. Paste the users data to users.json

5. Get Request Data

  1. Go to evaluation page for 1 student
  2. Press f12 (Inspect Element) and open the network tab
  3. Go to Final Evaluation tab and click Save Draft button
  4. Get the request data with title final_assessment with POST method, copy the request data
  5. Paste the request data to request.json

6. Run the Program

  1. Run npm start to start the program


  • Make sure to check the course title on the final evaluation tab is same with the variable Course List on the comments.json file. These may cause the comments are not submitted on specific course list.