
A web based application build using SSR (PHP). The idea is to have list of teams and their matches, and people can interact with their teams by liking and commenting on the teams pages.

Primary LanguagePHP


A website that shows teams and there matches with the applitiy to like and comment on maches and team + other features.

This website is built using PHP, CSS, and some JS.


[X] Listing page: Exists and displayed
[X] Listing page: List all teams (1 point)
[X] Listing page: By clicking on a team we get to the appropriate team details page (1 point)
[X] Listing page: List all matches (0.5 points)
[X] Team details: Team name is displayed (0.5 points)
[X] Team details: Matches of the team appear with and without results (1 point)
[X] Team details: Comments for the team appear (1 point)
[X] Listing page: List the last 5 matches (1 point)
[X] Team details: In the match list for played matches (with result) the color is green, red, yellow for win, lose, draw, respectively (0.5 points)
[X] Team details: New comment is disabled without login (0.5 points)
[X] Team details: New comment is available after login (0.5 points)
[X] Team details: Empty comment gives an error (0.5 points)
[X] Team details: New comment is saved successfully (1 point)
[X] Registration form: Contains appropriate elements (0.5 points)
[X] Registration form: Validation, error messages, keeping the form state (1,5 pont)
[X] Registration form: Successful registration (0.5 points)
[X] Login: Handling errors (1 point)
[X] Login: Successful login (1 point)
[X] Admin: Admin can log in with the credentials of the admin user (0.5 points)
[X] Admin: Modifying a match result can be done only with admin user (0.5 points)
[X] Admin: Modifying a match result: validation, keeping form state, successful save (3 points)
[X] Admin: Deleting a comment can be done only with admin user (0.5 points)
[X] Admin: Deleting a comment is successful (1 point)
[X] Nice, well-designed interface (1 point)
[X] Listing page: Show the results of the next 5 matches with AJAX (2,5 pont)
[X] Team details: Mark as favorite (1 point)
[X] Listing page: List only the matches of the favorite teams (1 point)
[X] Forms: error messages appear next to the form fields on forms (0.5 points)