
A Super Mario 64 Native Javascript Port

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL



Main Website: sm64js.com

Discord Server

What is this?

This is an ongoing work-in-progress port of the decompilation of original Nintendo game, Super Mario 64, to native Javascript (No Emulation) (No Web Assembly). This project required creating a Javascript WebGL port of N64 Fast 3D Renderer originally implemented with OpenGL in C. This project also includes the development of online mass multiplayer versions of sm64js and other custom multiplayer game modes.

Build instructions - Windows, Mac, or Linux

First install Docker

Run these commands

# Create and start lightweight docker container with NodeJs
docker run --name mySm64JsServer -dp 80:80 node:13-alpine tail -f /dev/null
# Connect to the docker container's shell
docker exec -it mySm64JsServer /bin/sh

# Install additional prerequisites
apk update && apk add git
# Clone the source code
git clone https://github.com/sm64js/sm64js.git && cd sm64js

# Install node packages, build, and serve
npm run quickstart

You should now be able to access the website with the game from a web browser by typing "localhost" into the address bar

Related Projects

Super Mario 64 Decomp

  • Team that decompiled the original Super Mario 64 ROMs into C source code

Super Mario 64 PC Port

  • Team that ported the decompiled project to PC

N64 Fast 3D Renderer

  • OpenGL Implementation of a 3D renderer for the Nintendo 64's graphics (I had to reimplement this in Javascript and WebGL)