Night Coding

Hey there! I'm Aldno

👨🏻‍💻  About Me

💡  I like to explore new technologies, develop software solutions and automation solutions to improve efficiency.
🎓  I am currently studying Control Science and Engineering at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
🌱  I am learning more about artificial intelligence, system design and cloud architecture.
✍️  In my spare time, I pursue graphic design and blogging hobbies.
💬  Please feel free to contact me for public consultation and volunteerism or just for some interesting discussion.
✉️  You can email Aldno@bupt.edu.cn! I'll get back to you soon.
📄  Please take a look at more details about me.I am open to feedback and suggestions!

Night Coding

🛠  Tech Stack

Python  JavaScript  Java  C  C++  R (Statistics)
React  Node.js  Django  Flask  Bootstrap
HTML  CSS  Git  GitHub  Markdown
Visual Studio Code  RStudio  Eclipse
Illustrator  Photoshop  InDesign

⚙️  GitHub Analytics