2023/2/10更新 vits-onnx 一键式启动


Combining chatgpt/gpt3&vits as api and launch it(Server suggested)

来源 该仓库使用的模型(Onnx model example) 替换text文件夹以适配不同模型(Change text folder)

#Click Code && codespaces and start
#Installing cmake and FFmpeg,showing FFmpeg,since cmake can be installed directly in the Extensions
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -version
#Creating enviornments
conda create -n chatbot python=3.8
conda init bash
conda activate chatbot
git clone https://github.com/Paraworks/vits_with_chatgpt-gpt3
cd vits_with_chatgpt-gpt3
pip install -r requirements.txt
#after uploading onnx models and edit it in the api_launch.py, launch
#('--onnx_model', default = './moe/model.onnx')
#('--cfg', default="./moe/config.json")
#('--outdir', default="./moe",help='ouput directory')
#('--key',default = "你的openai key",help='openai api key')
python api_launch.py --key 'openapikey see: https://openai.com/api/'
 #* Running on all addresses (
 #* Running on
 #* Running on

对于 text_to_sequence相关错误

#在推理中,可能出现symbols相关错误,这主要是由于不同text cleaner之间的冲突导致的
line 85, in infer
seq = text_to_sequence
symbols seq = text_to_sequence(text, symbols=hps.symbols, cleaner_names=hps.data.text_cleaners)
#如不需要,把 symbols=hps.symbols 删掉


Run basic.exe after exporting it from release

#Input url after game or setting it in the basic/game/script.rpy: label setting0:
$ web_base = renpy.input("输入后端api的地址,如本地推理为'',终端运行inference_api.py时查看",length=100)
#Replace it to:
$ web_base = 'your_onw_web'

Why using api?


Using these codes to replace gpt3_chat(text)

from pyChatGPT import ChatGPT
session_token = '参考https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdNSj_qgdFk'
api = ChatGPT(session_token)
response_from_chatgpt = api.send_message(text)
text= response_from_chatgpt['message'].replace('\n','').replace(' ','')

If you want to chat with it indiscriminately as if it is your waifu, the company will stop you lol.

What to do with game?

Official website of RenPy You can follow the instructions and beautify your game, can take my game given as a reference.



define Character1 = Character("First Character")
#为游戏配置live2d,你需要在安装renpy后将从live2d官网下载的cublism for native压缩包放到renpy的目录下,之后点开renpy按照指示自动加载。
define config.gl2 = True
image Character1 = Live2D("live2d/hiyori",loop=True)
label start:
#导入背景图片,在image 处自定义,格式‘bg name.png’,中间要带空格号,我也不知道为什么要这样设定
    show bg name
    show Character1 m04
#renpy有两种加载python命令的方式,一种是"$ "+代码,另外一种是"Python:",下一行缩进后编写,这里先用"$ "
    $ import requests
    $ import os
    $ import threading 
    $ global spk_id
    $ global your_name
    $ global open_api_key
    $ global web_base
    $ global noise_scale
    $ global noise_scale_w
    $ global speaking_speed
    jump setting0

label setting0:
    $ web_base = renpy.input("输入后端api的地址,如本地推理为'',终端运行inference_api.py时查看",length=100)
    jump sense1

label sense1:
    $ current_work_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    $ weight_path = os.path.join(current_work_dir, 'temp.ogg')
    $ weight_path = weight_path.replace("\\","/")
    $ your_text = renpy.input('',length=60)
    $ webs = web_base + "/gpt?text="+ your_text
        def get_voice():
            res = requests.get(webs)
            music = res.content
            with open(weight_path, 'wb') as code:
            web2 = web_base + "/word"
            answer = requests.get(web2).text
            global answer
#            os.system(weight_path)
        thread = threading.Thread(target=get_voice)
        jump reply
        jump setting0
label reply:
    show Character1 m02
    voice weight_path
    Character1 '[answer]'
    show Character1 m03
    jump sense1

关于商用,请使用拥有完整版权的语料库训练vits模型并且使用openai官方的api key