
Simple Lua Script that allows access to your character's bank, mailbox or auction house anywhere in the world via chat commands.

Primary LanguageLua

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Global Personal Bank/Mailbox/Auction House

Simple Lua Script that allows access to your character's bank, mailbox or auction house anywhere in the world via chat commands. If you would like to add or change the commands, you can do so in the Lua script.

  • While in-game, you can type "#commands" or "$commands" to display the list of available commands.
  • The bank can be accessed with the following commands: ".bank", ".openbank".
  • The mailbox can be accessed with the following commands: ".mail", ".mailbox".
  • The auction house can be accessed with the following commands: ".auctions", ".ah", ".auctionhouse".


  • Copy the "Global Mail_Banking_Auctions.lua" file into the lua_scripts folder on your server.
  • If your server is already running, type ".reload eluna" in the worldserver window. Otherwise, just start up the server.
  • While in-game, prepend any of the bank, mailbox or auctionhouse commands with "!" or ".". For example, ".bank" or "!mail".