This script is designed for Azerothcore using Eluna to send trivia questions that the player can answer by typing "#answer" or "#trivia", followed by their answer. Example: "#trivia this is my answer".
The script is easily configurable with simple variables:
local questionInterval = 600 -- How often (in seconds) to send Trivia Questions
local questionDuration = 25 -- How long (in seconds) to answer the question before time is up
local questionAlertTime = 15 -- How many seconds before the question to alert the user of an upcoming question
local rewardItem = 37711 -- This is the Item ID to add to the player when answering correctly
local chatCommands = { "#answer", "#trivia" }
- Copy the "TriviaSystem" folder into the lua_scripts folder on your server. Ensure that both "TriviaSystem.lua" and "TriviaQuestions.lua" files are in the same folder location.
- Open "TriviaSystem.lua" and adjust the config to your liking.
- Start up the server.