
A collection of classic 1/2-player games (human vs human/human vs computer/computer vs computer) with a console-based interface

Primary LanguagePython

Classic Games in Python

  • Battleship

    • the classic battleship game with a console-based interface
    • human vs computer
    • Rules:
      • in the beginning, the player can place two ships with the command: "ship C1L1C2L2C3L3", where the columns are letters from A-F and lines are numbers from 0-5
      • the player can try to place as many ships as they like; the last 2 will be taken into consideraton
      • when the player is ready, they need to type start
      • from now on, the possible commands are:
        • "attack CL"
        • "cheat" - the opponent's board is shown
        • "exit"
      • the hit spots are represented as "o", the spots where a battleship is placed as "+", while the empty ones are shown as "."
  • Hammurabi

    • the ancient predecessor of "Civilisation" game with a console-based interface
    • turn-based strategy game
    • 5 turns(years)
    • Rules:
      • each year, the player receives a report of the situation:
        • the number of people who starved (given by the number of people that were not fed - 20 grains/person necessary)
        • the number of people who came to the city (random number between 0-10 if no one starved)
        • the number of acres of land owned by the city
        • the harvest rate (random between 1-6 grains per acre; each person can harvest at most 10 acres every year)
        • the number of units eaten by rats (20% chance of rat infestation each year -> at most 10% grain is eaten)
        • land price (random between 15-25 grain/acre)
        • grain stocks
      • each year, the player types the following requested numbers:
        • the number of acres to buy/sell (+/-)
        • the number of units to feed the population
        • the number of acres to plant
      • the game ends when:
        • at least half of the population dies during a year - the game is lost
        • 5 rounds have been played:
          • the player has over 100 population and over 1000 acres - the game is won
          • otherwise, the game is lost
  • Hangman

    • a console-based version of the Hangman game
    • the computer randomly selects a sentence from the file and the human player attempts to guess it
    • Rules:
      • the computer displays the sentence with underscores instead of letters, showing only the first and last letter of every word and the apparitions of these letters within words
      • the player attempts to guess by typing a letter
      • starting from an empty string, the computer fills a new letter in the word "hangman" for each wrong guess
      • if "hangman" is complete, the player loses; if the player guesses the sentence before, the player wins
  • Minesweeper

    • a console-based version of the classical Minesweeper game
    • customizable board size and number of mines
    • menu-based controls
    • Rules:
        1. Game Settings - choose the width, height and number of mines
        1. Start game
          1. Mark tile as safe - type the coordinates of the tile you want to mark as safe
          1. Mark tile with flag - type the coordinates of the tile you believe has a mine
          1. Remove flag from tile - type the coordinates of the tile from where you want to remove the tile
          1. Cheat - see where the mines are
  • Quiz

    • a console-based application that allows creating and solving quizzes
    • Commands:
      • "add ;;<choice_a>;<choice_b>;<choice_c>;<correct_choice>;" - the user can add a question to the master question list
      • "create <number_of_questions>" - the user can create a new quiz
        • difficulty: easy/medium/hard - at least half the questions are of the provided difficulty
        • number of questions - the number of questions in the quiz
        • file - the name of the file where the quiz is saved
      • "start " - the user can take the quiz found at the provided location
        • the user types their choice for each question
        • the user receives their score at the end of the quiz
          • easy question - 1p
          • medium question - 2p
          • hard question - 3p
  • Tic-tac-toe

    • a console-based 2-player version of the classical Tic-tac-toe game
    • custom board size and win size (length of segment that wins)
    • can be played human vs. human/ human vs. computer/ computer vs. computer
    • menu-based controls
    • Rules:
        1. Settings - choose the board size, the win size and the player types
        1. Start game
        • choose coordinates (row and column) to place tile by typing the numbers
        • the game ends when one of the players has completed a contiguous segment of the chosen length in row/column/diagonal or the board is full