jFileFuzz is a very simple (and maybe useless) file fuzzer. Main features: Different method of fuzz Test and log the activity of the attacked software with the fuzzed files Multiplatform This is the help.. Readme ftw! Utility switch: --print _int Print file in HEX format with specified column number. --size _bool If set print the size of file. Essential fuzzing switch: --file _String Set the file you want to fuzz. --rofuzz _String Overwrite data at random position. --rifuzz _String Insert data at random position. --ifuzz _String Insert data from "start" to "end" . --ofuzz _String Overwrite data from "start" to "end". --refuzz _String Replace selected data with custom data. Essential switch for random fuzz: --n _int Set the number of genereted fuzzed files. --rn _int Set the number of insert\overwrite. --rp _int Set the percentage of insert\overwrite. Essential switch for insert fuzz: --start _int Data will be inserted from this position. --end _int Data will be inserted behind this position. Essential switch for debug test: --debug _bool Start debug test. --dir _String Set directory where the fuzzed files are located. --prog _String Set the software to attack. --timeout _int Set time to wait before exit the application. (ms value, default 3500) Generally examples: Fuzz of the file "test.pdf" that overwrite random bytes with FF for 30 times generating 100 differents fuzzed files jfuzz --file test.pdf --rofuzz FF --rn 30 --n 100 Fuzz of the file "test.pdf" that insert in random position FF for 30 times generating 100 differents fuzzed files jfuzz --file test.pdf --rifuzz FF --rn 30 --n 100 Fuzz of the file "test.pdf" inserting FF from the 31st byte to the 42nd byte jfuzz --file test.pdf --ifuzz FF --start 31 --end 42 Fuzz of the file "test.pdf" overwriting FF from the 31st byte to the 42nd byte jfuzz --file test.pdf --ofuzz FF --start 31 --end 42 Replace the first 20 bytes of test.pdf with 00 value with FF jfuzz --refuzz 00rFF --file test.pdf --rn 20 Test the application C:\reader.exe with the fuzzed files located on C:\pdfs\ jfuzz --debug --dir C:\pdfs\ --prog C:\reader.exe