Boilerplate code for ICTdays ICP workshop

Create a New Project

Make sure that Node.js >= 16.x and dfx >= 0.12.x are installed on your system.

dfx start --clean --background # Run dfx in the background
npm run setup # Install packages, deploy canisters, and generate type bindings

npm start # Start the development server

When ready, run dfx deploy to build and deploy your application.

  • dfx build --network ic DAO
  • dfx build --network ic frontend
  • dfx canister --network ic install DAO
  • dfx canister --network ic install frontend
  • dfx canister --network ic install --mode upgrade

Technology Stack

  • Vite: high-performance tooling for front-end web development
  • React: a component-based UI library
  • TypeScript: JavaScript extended with syntax for types
  • Sass: an extended syntax for CSS stylesheets
  • Tailwind: an extended syntax for CSS stylesheets
  • Prettier: code formatting for a wide range of supported languages
  • Motoko: a safe and simple programming language for the Internet Computer
  • mo-dev: a live reload development server for Motoko
  • MOPS: an on-chain community package manager for Motoko


Tips and Tricks

  • Customize your project's code style by editing the .prettierrc file and then running npm run format.
  • Reduce the latency of update calls by passing the --emulator flag to dfx start.
  • Install a Motoko package by running npx ic-mops add <package-name>. Here is a list of available packages.
  • Split your frontend and backend console output by running npm run frontend and npm run backend in separate terminals.