
My dotfiles, with some rake love.

Primary LanguageShell

Delphaber's dotfiles configuration

Thanks to:


  1. Install brew
  2. Generic deps: brew install bat bash-completion git git-extras multitail most colordiff diff-so-fancy tree ack moreutils the_silver_searcher watch wget curl z cloc httpie
  3. Editor: brew install neovim and vimfiles
  4. Tmux: brew install tmux reattach-to-user-namespace
  5. Bash
    brew install bash
    echo '/usr/local/bin/bash' | sudo tee -a /etc/shells;
    chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
    # restart iterm and test
    echo $BASH_VERSION # 5.0.2(1)-release
  6. Install nvm
  7. Install yarn: brew install yarn --without-node
  8. Install rbenv
  9. Install fzf
  10. Install pspg
  11. Install heroku


  1. Fork
  2. Clone your fork into ".dotfiles": git clone https://github.com/YOURNAME/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
  3. Install: cd ~/.dotfiles && bash install.sh
  4. Update [user] section in gitconfig file
  5. Edit to suit your needs

This will backup all the dotfiles that you are using in the ~/.dotfiles/backup directory and will install in your home symlinks to the dotfiles in the ~/dotfiles folder.