
Project for displaying stories on the GFX HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero W

Primary LanguageC++


Project for displaying stories with Pimoroni GFX HAT and Raspberry Pi Zero

These repository contains

  • Three cpp classes:

    • spi_device: uses /dev/spi*.* to comunicate with the display (so the SPI driver must be enabled - see config.txt on raspberry pi)

    • gpio_device: direct access to memory to handle the GPIO pins

    • graphic_device: class to handle the GFX HAT display, requires spi_device and gpio_device

    • epaper: Old class to handle InkyPhat epaper display, not used anymore

  • Two files from another repository (https://github.com/mattflow/cbmp):

    • cbmp.c: i did not write this.

    • cbmp.h: i did not write this.

How to build

Clone the repository and run the build.sh by issuing:

bash build.sh

This will generate:

  • app_DisplayGrid.o: displays a set of axys on the display to check alignment. Does not require any dependencies.

  • app_DisplayImage.o: displays the image "prova.bmp" to the display. Must be of the right size, if not an error is generated.

  • app_GraphicTest.o: displays a moving square on the display

  • app_TestButtonsLeds.o: uses directly i2c to test buttons and leds


Opened issues:

  • SPI might always read 0


  • Fast update on the inky phat display

Work in progress

This i'm working on and eventually do and update:

  • Niente

Useful links

Resource i find useful to build this:

Display controller datasheet

Raspberry PI Zero W datasheet

Ben Krasnow fast update implementation for epaper

InkyPhat/InkyWhat python library github repository

Success thread oni fast updating for SSD1675A controllers