
Sample data/queries for DroidconNYC2017 talk "The Resurgence of SQL"

Primary LanguageKotlin


For a constant number of users (10000) the following methods for querying were tested.

select all, filter in java

SELECT * FROM friendship and SELECT * FROM user_checkin are run and the results are used to compute the number of checkins with friends.

Checkins ms
10 817
100 810
1000 937
10000 4428
20000 10475
30000 17616
50000 31400

Although this still involves SQLite, a better base case would be assuming we have the data given to us and then performing the query.

filter in java

The same, but assume the data is given to us and only measure the logic of finding check ins with friends

Checkins ms
10 370
100 354
1000 510
10000 3898
20000 10151
30000 15607
50000 29984

So our queries are accounting for somewhere around 10% of the initial implementation.

select only friends, filter in java

Use SQL to select only friendships:

SELECT friend1
FROM friendship
WHERE friend2 = :my_id
SELECT friend2
FROM friendship
WHERE friend1 = :my_id

Then SELECT * FROM user_checkin and filter in java

Checkins ms
10 15
100 20
1000 137
10000 3089
20000 8197
30000 13897
50000 23921

The queries with small number of checkins are so significantly faster because the number of users is constant at 10000. Since we're only selecting friends we're loading a much smaller number of Users into memory and operating on them. Time to switch to exclusively sql...

Use subqueries

We're going to abuse sqlite subqueries to do what is essentially Set.contains

SELECT count(*)
FROM checkin
WHERE _id IN (
  SELECT checkin_id
  FROM user_checkin
  WHERE user_id IN (
    SELECT friend1
    FROM friendship
    WHERE friend2 = :my_id
    SELECT friend2
    FROM friendship
    WHERE friend1 = :my_id
Checkins ms
10 13
100 12
1000 15
10000 65
20000 138
30000 215
50000 402

Huge increase in performance but not easy to read - can we make it more legible?

Same as before but use join/distinct to remove a subquery

In sqlite there is always a way to turn a filtering subquery into a join, so lets do just that.

FROM checkin
JOIN user_checkin ON (_id = checkin_id)
WHERE user_id IN (
  SELECT friend1
  FROM friendship
  WHERE friend2 = :my_id
  SELECT friend2
  FROM friendship
  WHERE friend1 = :my_id

Important to note that we are doing count(DISTINCT _id) instead of count(_id) because the query returns a row for every user_checkin - the join does a cross product.

Checkins ms
10 12
100 13
1000 15
10000 71
20000 154
30000 231
50000 448

Same as before but use join to remove other subquery

SELECT count(DISTINCT checkin._id)
FROM checkin
JOIN user_checkin ON (_id = checkin_id)
JOIN friendship ON (
  (user_id = friend1 AND friend2 = :my_id) OR
  (user_id = friend2 AND friend1 = :my_id)
Checkins ms
10 0
100 0
1000 8
10000 129
20000 317
30000 500
50000 894

Since we're only selecting the checkin id and thats also stored in the user_checkin table we can remove the select form the checkin table

Remove first unused table

SELECT count(DISTINCT checkin_id)
FROM user_checkin
JOIN friendship ON (
  (user_id = friend1 AND friend2 = :my_id) OR
  (user_id = friend2 AND friend1 = :my_id)
Checkins ms
10 0
100 0
1000 7
10000 114
20000 288
30000 454
50000 806

Whats going on? Why are the joins taking almost twice as long as the query with two subquerys? Thankfully SQLite has the perfect tool for this use case: EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN

Explain Query Plan

By writing EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN before any sqlite query you can get a readable set of instructions that SQLite internally is running to perform your query. The actual virtual machine code can also by analyzed by writing EXPLAIN before any SQLite statement. To figure out why our join query is taking longer lets analyze the last query we wrote as well as the first query we wrote with two subqueries which ran the fastest.

Our join query:

SELECT count(DISTINCT checkin_id)
FROM user_checkin
JOIN friendship ON (
  (user_id = friend1 AND friend2 = :my_id) OR
  (user_id = friend2 AND friend1 = :my_id)

and its output:

selectid order from detail
"0" "0" "0" "SCAN TABLE user_checkin"
"0" "1" "1" "SEARCH TABLE friendship USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_friendship_1 (friend1=? AND friend2=?)"
"0" "1" "1" "SEARCH TABLE friendship USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_friendship_1 (friend1=? AND friend2=?)"

The detail tells us the instruction that is being run, in this case a search or a scan. A "SCAN" of a table is a full table scan in which we visit every row. A "SEARCH" of a table means we only visit a subset of the rows for a table, using an index to determine the subset we're visiting. The "order" column tells us the nesting order of that instruction. In this way it's easy to think of the query plan as a loop. The loop begins by iterating every row of the "user_checkin" table (since it is a scan), and for each row it iterates over a subset of the friendship table, twice, wth respect to an an index. If you had created an index that the search could take advantage of SQLite detects that and uses your index, but SQLite is also capable of creating transient SQLite indexes for a single query. And so for this query sqlite creates a transient (temporary) covering index. Covering means it multiple columns are contained by the index.

Alright, so to recap sqlite iterates over every row of user_checkin and then performs two searches. The first is for rows in friendship where friend1 = my_id and friend2 = user_id and the second search is for rows in friendship where friend1 = user_id and friend2 = my_id.

Now lets take a look at the subquery query plan:

SELECT count(DISTINCT checkin_id)
FROM user_checkin
WHERE user_id IN (
  SELECT friend1
  FROM friendship
  WHERE friend2 = :my_id
  SELECT friend2
  FROM friendship
  WHERE friend1 = :my_id

which has the output:

selectid order from detail
"0" "0" "0" "SCAN TABLE user_checkin"
"2" "0" "0" "SCAN TABLE friendship USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_friendship_1"
"3" "0" "0" "SEARCH TABLE friendship USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_friendship_1 (friend1=?)"

Now we're seeing values for the "selectid" column. This column is just an identifier for the subquery. Compound queries are considered a subquery so the subqueries correspond to:

Subquery 1:

SELECT checkin_id
FROM user_checkin
WHERE user_id IN (
  SELECT friend1
  FROM friendship
  WHERE friend2 = :my_id
  SELECT friend2
  FROM friendship
  WHERE friend1 = :my_id

Subquery 2:

SELECT friend1
FROM friendship
WHERE friend2 = :my_id
SELECT friend2
FROM friendship
WHERE friend1 = :my_id

Subquery 3:

SELECT friend1
FROM friendship
WHERE friend2 = :my_id

Subquery 4:

SELECT friend2
FROM friendship
WHERE friend1 = :my_id

We're also seeing a new command in the detail column: "EXECUTE"

Execute corresponds to sqlite performing a query. There are result types for an execute: SCALAR and LIST. In our case both subqueries are LIST as they return a result set, a SCALAR subquery would look like SELECT 0

There are two types of subqueries, CORRELATED and non correlated. A correlated subquery will appear as EXECUTE CORRELATED LIST SUBQUERY in the query plan. Correlated queries are run for each row in the iteration. In our case, both subqueries are not correlated so they are only executed once and the result is stored to be used by the query.

So whats happening in the full query plan. First we search the checkin table, in this case we're searching using the primary key index (_id) for its presence in subquery 1. So we execute the subquery.

The first subquery is executed which scans the user_checkin table (meaning it iterates over ever row). It executes subquery 2 (which is the compound subquery).

The compound subquery executes subqueries 3 and 4 and unions them with a B-Tree. The union operator does not include duplicate rows, which is where a B-Tree is used to prevent duplicates.

The autoindex created for subqueries 3 and 4 does not cover friend2 which is why subquery 3 scans the friendship table while subquery 4 searches.

The important thing here is that none of these queries are nested, they all have order 0. SQLite executes the subqueries and stores the results while scanning the user_checkin table. Where in the join we were doing a nested search of the friendship table, we are only doing a top level scan of the friendship table.

There's some interesting things to note here though... we can ditch the checkin table from the query as we did before to get rid of the initial search and promote subquery 1. We can also create our own indexes for friend2 and user_id so that we only ever do searches instead of scans.

Creating indexes

Lets create the two indexes to increase the performance of our query.

CREATE INDEX userIdIndex ON user_checkin(user_id);

CREATE INDEX friend2Index ON friendship(friend2);

And now lets see how our query looks with explain query plan:

SELECT count(DISTINCT checkin_id)
FROM user_checkin
WHERE user_id IN (
  SELECT friend1
  FROM friendship
  WHERE friend2 = :my_id
  SELECT friend2
  FROM friendship
  WHERE friend1 = :my_id


selectid order from detail
"0" "0" "0" "SEARCH TABLE user_checkin USING INDEX userIdIndex (user_id=?)"
"2" "0" "0" "SEARCH TABLE friendship USING INDEX friend2Index (friend2=?)"
"3" "0" "0" "SEARCH TABLE friendship USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_friendship_1 (friend1=?)"

You can see that our two indexes we created are being used to search instead of scan, and there is one less subquery being executed since we removed the select from checkin.

And the runtimes:

Checkins ms
10 7
100 7
1000 10
10000 59
20000 106
30000 169
50000 331

Hopefully it makes sense why this is the fastest of all the queries we wrote. There are smaller optimizations that could be made by removing the compound UNION operator and instead using a single select on the friendship table.