
A High Altitude Balloon Launch in Nov. 2018

Primary LanguagePython


ASR Balloon Launch. Paper under paper/final_comp.pdf.


This paper details 6thsense, a mission to send a weather balloon to to edge of space in order to study Earth's atmosphere. The weather balloon is outfitted with a payload that includes a camera, inside and outside temperature sensors, a barometer, multiple GPS tracking devices, as well as a host of individual experiments. The balloon most likely reached an altitude of 20,000 meters, into the stratosphere and ozone layer. The balloon was successfully recovered after approximately one and one half hours of flight.


Team Member Role
Luke Bowsher Software Engineer
John Kim Quality Control
Vivian Liu Experiment Designer
Simon Oros Electrical Engineer
Caroline Pang Mechanical Engineer
Alec Vercruysse Project Leader

Directories @ root:

File/directory Creator Desciption
GPSLogger Luke (SE) arduino mega code for logging GPS to SD thru Serial1
ThermistorReaders Luke (SE) arduino mega code for a calibrated thermistor
radio_down Alec (PL) arduino mega code for interfacing with the up/downlink trancievers
av_experiment Alec (PL) Spectrometer experiment (requires mega i2c)
basestation Alec (PL) Basestation arduino mega code and mac/ubuntu python code for processing transmissions
final_balloon Team all files for the final balloon launch as it currently stands
final_data Team Final parsed and unparsed data from Nov. 1 Launch
paper Team All files relating to the paper, written in rmd compiled to TeX
radio_coms Alec (PL) Arduino code to interface with up/downlink 9XTend Modules
secondary arduino Luke (SE) Code for second payload arduino uno, for Luke and Simon's individual experiments
test_launch_data Team Data from tethered test launch