Official repository of the series of tutorial on How to Create a WordPress Plugin from scratch:
- 2
Lesson58 - Fatal Error
#13 opened by LifeSteala - 0
How to create a WooCommerce plugin, that import any product from e-commerce site by it's link?
#27 opened by mrhish - 1
cannot use register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__,array('Deactivate','deactivate'))
#26 opened by HHubbes - 2
Changes in Gulp notation from version 3 to 4
#19 opened by Michagin - 0
Cannot load alecaddd_cpt error
#25 opened by ori1989 - 2
multi settings in admin page
#23 opened by Mohammadreza-73 - 1
Redux Framework
#22 opened by Mohammadreza-73 - 0
input validation on admin settings
#21 opened by Mohammadreza-73 - 1
- 7
Two Plugin with same namespace
#7 opened by shadhin-msa - 0
Register Shortcode
#18 opened by kennethenglisch - 0
- 0
Please ignore
#16 opened by asifhossian - 0
Error when passing submenu title
#15 opened by Netkomm - 0
Lesson 16 - Fatal error: Class 'Inc\Base\BaseController\BaseController' not found
#14 opened by pavliukpetro - 0
Lesson 11 get a syntax error.
#12 opened by weizhonglai - 1
gulpfile browsersync issue
#11 opened by Martimiz - 0
please ignore
#10 opened by Martimiz - 0
Please ignore
#9 opened by Martimiz - 4
Some Love
#6 opened