
HTML5 and CSS3: Semantic Elements, CSS Grid, Flexbox React: Components, Props, Events, Hooks, Router, Axios Redux: Store, Reducers, Actions Node & Express: Web API, Body Parser, File Upload, JWT MongoDB: Mongoose, Aggregation Development: ESLint, Babel, Git, Github, Deployment: Heroku Watch React & Node Tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaScript


 HTML5 and CSS3: Semantic Elements, CSS Grid, Flexbox     
 React: Components, Props, Events, Hooks, Router, Axios     
 Redux: Store, Reducers, Actions     Node & 
 Express: Web API, Body Parser, File Upload, JWT     
 MongoDB: Mongoose, Aggregation     
 Development: ESLint, Babel, Git, Github,    
 Deployment: Heroku     Watch React &