
Primary LanguageC

Computer Graphics

The framework provided is compatible with all operating systems. The recommended C++ IDEs are the following:

  • MS Visual Studio 2015 Community edition (Windows)
  • MS Visual Studio 2017 Community edition (Windows)
  • XCode (Mac)
  • Terminal (Mac)
  • Visual Studio Code (Any platform)
  • Qt Open Source (Any platform)

Detailed installation information can be seen below.

MS Visual Studio 2015 Community edition (Windows)

MS Visual Studio 2015 can be downloaded from here. Make sure you select all packages related to C++.

After the installation you just need to open the file visual.sln located in the visual folder.

MS Visual Studio 2017 Community edition (Windows)

MS Visual Studio 2017 can be downloaded from here. Make sure you select all packages related to C++.

In addition you need to install CMake which can be downloaded from here.

Once you have all required software go to this file folder and run this on a windows console:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15" ../.

XCode (Mac)

You need XCode installed in your system and also Homebrew to install the missing libraries and cmake. To install Homebrew open a terminal and run this command:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Continue by installing cmake and the missing libraries using this command:

brew install cmake
brew install sdl2

Finally create the XCode project by going to this file folder and run these commands:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "Xcode" ..

The XCode project will be located into the build directory.

If this process leads to cmake errors, run this command an try again:

sudo xcode-select --reset

Terminal (Mac)

If using XCode doesnt work, just compile from the terminal, it is less confortable but easier and works everywhere. First install the tools required:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install cmake
brew install sdl2

We provide a Makefile already created in the "terminal" folder, but if that one doesnt work, you can create one like this:

Go to the folder where you unzipped the code and create a new folder for your project:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject

And now once there create a Makefile for Unix using the cmake in the folder above:

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..

This will create the Makefile necessary to compile the project, from now on, when you modify the code and want to test it, just invoke "make" to compile, and call the executable (./ComputerGraphics) to execute it:


You can add a shortcut in your text editor to execute this command automatically so you do not have to go to the console every time.

Visual Studio Code (Any platform)

Remember that Visual Studio Code is not the same as Visual Studio 2017, that means the project supplied in the zip DOESNT WORK WITH VISUAL STUDIO CODE.

Visual Studio Code was created for developing websites, not C++ application, but it can be used doing some tricks.

Visual Studio Code can be downloaded for each platform in here.

Requirements on Windows

Windows do not need any further requirement.

Requirements on Mac

It is not recommended since there is a bug in one the the needed extensions, that prevents starting the debugger, use XCode instead.

Once the ide is installed, on Mac it is necessary to first open the application and and press Cmd+Shift+P, then type "shell command" and select "Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH". Then it is also necessary to install the following pakcages:

Homebrew to install the missing libraries and cmake. To install Homebrew open a terminal and run this command:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install cmake
brew install sdl2

Requirements on Linux

If you are using linux you have to install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install -y libsdl2-dev libglew-dev freeglut3-dev

Configuring VSCode

After the VSCode and the requirements for each platform are installed, the following extensions are needed to work with C++ code:

code --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools
code --install-extension twxs.cmake
code --install-extension vector-of-bool.cmake-tools
code --install-extension austin.code-gnu-global

Finally open the folder containing this file.

Qt Open Source (Any platform)

Qt Open Source can be downloaded from here. Once it is installed you have to install the same packages that you seen in the previous section. After that you have to create a new cmake project.