DartPad Theme

Unofficial theme inspired by DartPad. If you are a fan of minimalist dark themes, this one is for you.

Preview of color options

  • Default DartPad theme:

Dark theme preview

  • Alternative DartPad Candy theme:

Dark Candy theme preview

All previews use the Roboto Mono font family and have Bracket Pair Colorization disabled.

How to activate the theme

Open the Command Palette:

Type Preferences: Color Theme, and select DartPad or DartPad Candy.

How to change the font to match DartPad

First install the Roboto Mono in your system's fonts. Then add this setting to your Visual Studio Code settings.json file:

"editor.fontFamily": "Roboto Mono, Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace",

For more information on how settings work, check the Visual Studio Code documentation.

Planned features

  • Light theme.