
.NET implementation of Phoenixframework websocket socket protocol

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Thread safe .NET Standard 2 implementation of Phoenix framework websocket protocol.

Supported/Tested .NET Runtime

  • NETCore 2.1.0
  • Mono
  • .NET Framework 4.6 and above


  • Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.1


Add Dependency to Fenix NuGet Package

Add Fenix nuget dependency either using your IDEs Package Manager tool or using command line:

$ dotnet add package Fenix

or amend your csproj/vbproj by adding:

<PackageReference Include="Fenix" Version="0.1.*" />

and then build your project for example:

$ dotnet build MyProject.csproj

Create Fenix Socket

use Fenix;

// some constants
const token = "dsa90disadojsaoijadoiajsodiajs";

// Defaults should be ok, but you can tweak some options, e.g. tur on logging, max retries etc.. 
var settings = new Settings();
var socket = new Socket(settings);
    var uri = new Uri("ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket");
    // "token" is not required, but below is demo how to pass parameteters while connecting
    await _socket.ConnectAsync(uri, new[] {("token", token)});
    var channel = _socket.Channel("room:lobby", new {NickName = "Timotije"});
    channel.Subscribe("new_msg", (ch, payload) =>
        Got LOBBY message
    var result = await channel.JoinAsync();
    Console.WriteLine($"Lobby JOIN: status = '{result.Status}', response: {result.Response}");
    await channel.SendAsync("new_msg", new {body = "Hi guys 2"});
        .ContinueWith(async task => { await channel.LeaveAsync(); })
catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error: [{ex.GetType().FullName}] \"{ex.Message}\"");