
The idea of this test is connect our service with an externa AdNetwork, to do this, usually we need to connect with their API (REST) using GET o POST methods to pass them some parameters and data, and wait for their response (with a timeout) and process the result.

Primary LanguagePHP

Integration Test with External AdNetwork [PHP7]

This repository contains a solution to the task of connecting a service with an external AdNetwork using their API (REST) and processing the result. The code is designed using OOP and inheritance where possible.


Project Structure

The project has the following structure:

  • Launcher.php: Main class that will be executed to check the test.
  • Request.txt: A JSON file that contains an example of data to be processed and sent to the AdNetwork.
  • Output/: A folder where the output file will be saved.
  • Networks/
    • BaseClass.php: Base class that implements common points/parts/members and functions for all AdNetworks.
    • TappxClass.php: Class that implements the AdNetwork specific details to connect with Tappx AdNetwork.