
daily toy problems

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Toy Problems

Welcome to Toy Problems. This repository will be updated every morning with a new code challenge.

Feel free to use Google to aid you in solving the coding challenges!

Using this Repository

You'll find each day's toy problem in its own folder.

Getting a Copy of the Repo

If you haven't already, fork the repository on GitHub and clone your newly created repo down to your computer.

Submitting your Solutions

VERY IMPORTANT: Before submitting your solutions, find and fix all syntax errors

Solutions are submitted via Pull Request. Follow these steps:

  1. From your fork, select Pull Requests and then create a New pull request.
  2. STOP. Before you Click to create a pull request for this comparison you must adjust the target branch (aka base branch) to be your username. Once chagned, the pull-request heading should look like this:

holacode1:username ... username:master

  1. Copy and paste the completed Grading Outline into the comment block of your Pull Request.
  2. Click Send pull request

Updating the Repository

Every morning, when a new toy problem is added, you'll need to sync your version of the repo with holacode's. Git won't automatically pull in upstream changes for you; it trusts that you'll pull them in as needed. Do so by giving Git a reference to holacode's version of the repo:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/HC1-CDMX/YYYY-MM-toy-problems.git

Be sure to substitue YYYY-MM with your actual cohort prefix! (ex: 2015-05)

After you've done that, updating your repo is as simple as running the following:

git checkout master       // Your fork's master branch
git pull upstream master  // Your class's master branch

This will check out your branch and tell git to grab any changes made to the main repository and merge them into your branch.