Neovim UI theme picker plugin

Did you ever wanted to change a theme, but you had to enter COMMAND mode and call :colorscheme your_theme to see how it looks?

And then you will have to repeat this proccess over and over again.

With this plugin, you will have a UI from where to choose your desired theme. Not only that, but you will be able to see the theme before applying it.


  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Configuration


This plugin uses telescope.nvim to create the UI and customize it.

Im working on doing one from scracth. But for now, they did a great job and telescope has a nice API to work with.


🔭 You must have installed telescope.nvim for this plugin to work.


The installation proccess is simple. Depending on what plugin manager you use, it might be different.

I will show how using packer.nvim and vim-plug.


-- plugin installation file. Example: plugins.lua
  -- plugins
  use 'AlejandroSuero/theme-picker.nvim'


call plug#begin()
  " Plugins
  Plug 'AlejandroSuero/theme-picker.nvim'
call plug#end()


The configuration, for now it's just adding function call to your own mappings.

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ct', ':lua require("themepicker").open_menu()<CR>', opts)