
Let users create new nodes edges

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Make sure new nodes propagate back to the database proper!

I think that either this or making the demo more game-y will be the demo team's next priority.

  1. Joe issue tracker is not a place to put your opinion on stuff.

Joe I had decided to write this to you about today, since you seem to be not aware of the culture.
When someone's hooked up into coding, like "in it" you don't break the "flow".
It would be acceptable, if you did so to say "good bye I am leaving" or ask something important or say something nice.
Breaking concentration to just ask "what did you do today?" is plain rude and ignorant, but I am sure you are not aware of it; I believe you did so without being aware of ur action.

I am pointing this out to you since it is not your first time.

Also about "what did you do today?" You know the question is really getting frustrating. If you can see me intensely starring at the monitor frowning and doing some shit, please do not ask about my progress. It's not like asking me about what I did will somehow increase the output of my work. actually you are "delaying" it. You become the source of "unproductivity".

For an example, this 30 mins I am wasting on writing this stupid feedback shit could have been utilized for better output for project.

The right question about progress, if you REALLY want to ask, is "could you be able to finish it within dead line?" "if not, what are the challenges that obstruct our goals?" And if you can't promote anything by asking those questions, it is better if you do not ask since that will be just waste of time splitting out some meaningless words.