
DataBase Need more search pattern example for dynamic graph update.

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question 0) number of returned node

What I understand;
Search "bed" ->
returns a "single" node that corresponds with the keyword

Will it ever return more than one node at a time?

question 1) Will edges ever change?
first search ->search "bed" returned node has color node connected to it
second search -> search "bed" returned node now does "NOT" have color node .

So like wat happens to the connected node that was there for the initial search.
But then for some reason it does not appear in the second search.
Had the node itself deleted or the connection is the only thing that had been deleted.

In other words how can I determine continuity between each search result.

  1. A query will return all nodes that mach the pattern you pass in. If you say "all nodes" you'll get a list of A LOT of nodes. If you say "all NOUNS with RELATIONSHIP of TYPE NAMED" you'll get a list of all nodes with a name. If you say "all NODES with ID 123-456-789" you're only gonna get one node.

  2. My current plan is that edges are mutable (over time and in place) while nodes are immutable. I may garbage collect nodes witch are un-referenced, but that's on me.
    Changing edges at a time with a pre-established weight will only happen at develop time, not game time.

  3. Explain? The graph isn't mutating at all right now.

Duplicate to: #21