
This helper will inject images and fonts into your css files.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GULP inline-base64

Fork of https://github.com/G33kLabs/gulp-inline-base64


  • usage: inlineimg instead of url
  • api: removed maxSize option because we always inline
  • api: removed force argument from url(<URL>, {force}) because we always inline
  • version: bumped to 0.2.* (breaking change)

This helper will inject images and fonts into your css files.

Warning ! This technique is really efficient with small files (<14 Kb) cause it avoids DNS requests and makes the page loading faster. But for larger files it will be a mistake to use it !

Install it

yarn add https://github.com/AleksandarDev/gulp-inline-base64 --dev

Use it

background-image: inlineimg('images/base64/logo-bottom.png');

In sass config:

var sass = require('gulp-sass'),
	inline_base64 = require('gulp-inline-base64'),
	autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');


gulp.task('sass', function() {
    return gulp.src([
        path_src + '/css/**/*.scss',
        '!' + path_src + '/css/**/_*.scss'
        includePaths: [
            path_src + '/css/',
        imagePath: path_src
        baseDir: path_src,
        maxSize: 14 * 1024,
        debug: true
    .pipe(autoprefixer("last 2 version", "> 1%", {
        cascade: true
    .pipe(gulp.dest(path_tmp + '/css'))


  • baseDir : the root path for assets
  • useRelativePath : overrides baseDir; root path is relative to the input file's directory
  • debug : show debug messages