
A collection of 400+ brand colors. works flawlessly with scss, less, sass, stylus and css.


npm install brand-colors
bower install brand-colors



@import 'bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/scss/brand-colors.latest.scss'

.a-div {
  color: $spotify;


@import 'bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/less/brand-colors.latest.less'

.a-div {
  color: @spotify;


@import 'bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/scss/brand-colors.latest.sass'

  color: $spotify


@import 'bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/stylus/brand-colors.latest.styl'

.a-div {
  color: $spotify;


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/css/brand-colors.latest.css">`
  <!-- minified version -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/brand-colors/dist/latest/css/brand-colors.latest.min.css">`
  <span class="bc-spotify">This text is spotify-green</span>
  <div class="bc-spotify-bg">This div has a spotify-green background</div>

###List of Companies

4ormat 500px about-me addvocate adobe aetna aim airbnb alcon alienware alphabet amazon american-express answers aol arch-linux asana associated-press atlanta-falcons atlantic-coast-conference-acc atlassian att auth0 baidu bandcamp barnes-noble bebo behance best-buy big-cartel bing bitbucket bitly blackberry blogger boeing bombardier booking-com bower boy-scouts-of-america british-airways bt buffer burger-king bynder canon carbonmade carrefour cartoon-network case-mate change-org charity-water cheddar coca-cola code-school codecademy connexxion courtyard craft-cms creative-market crowne-plaza crunchbase culvers cunard daimler delectable delicious dell dental-plans designer-news designmoo deviantart devour dewalt dhl diebold digg digital-ocean direct-energy directv dish-network disqus django docker dominos dow dribbble dropbox droplr drupal dunked easy-jet ebay el-al elance ello ember engadget envato epictions ericsson esl espn etrade etsy evernote fab-com facebook fairfield-inn-suites fairmont famo-us fancy fedex feedly fiat firefox fitbit five-guys flattr flavors-me flickr flipboard flixster follr ford forrst foursquare garmin garuda geocaching getglue ghost gibson gimmebar github gittip godaddy goodreads google google-plus googleplus gravatar gravit grooveshark groupon grunt hacker-news happn heineken hellowallet heroku hi5 highfive home-depot homeaway hootsuite houzz hp hsbc html5 hulu hyatt ibm ideal identi-ca ifttt iheartradio ikea imdb imgur indiegogo instacart instagram instapaper intel intuit ios istock jawbone joyent jquery keeeb khan-academy kia kickstarter kik kippt kitkat kiwipay klm kodery laravel lastfm line linkedin livestream lloyds lomo lumo lyft mail-ru mailchimp mailru makita mapbox massy-group mastercard mcdonalds meetup meijer mercadolibre-com mic microsoft microsoft-band microsoft-office mixpanel mollie motorola mozilla muut myspace nationwide nbc nc-state-university nest netflix netvibes new-balance new-york-post nextdoor nike-football nikefuel ning nokia novartis npm ns nvidia odnoklassniki office-sway olark olympus onshape oovoo opera oracle oxford-university-press panasonic pandora path patreon paymill paypal paypal-dark pearson penguin-books pepsi pfizer philips photobucket php pinboard pinterest pizza-hut plasso plaxo playstation pocket portfolium postmates prezi priceline product-hunt pusha qantas-airlines quizup quora quote-fm razer rdio react readability red-hat reddit redfin renaissance-hotels rentler residence-inn resource reverbnation rockpack roku rolls-royce roo-kids roon rounds rss ruby sainsburys salesforce samsung sap scribd shazam sherwin-williams shopify skype slack slideshare smashing-magazine snagajob socialbro softonic songkick sonicbids soundcloud space-box spoken spotify sprint square-cash squarespace stackoverflow staples starbucks status-chart sterling-hotels storyful strava streamable stripe stubhub studyblue stumbleupon subway-1 sugarcrm swarm t-mobile tagstr technorati ted telegram tesco tesla the-audience-awards the-next-web the-ritz-carlton the-sun the-sun-goals the-sun-perks the-times thomson-reuters tivo treehouse trello tripadvisor trulia tumblr tunngle turbotax tvtag twitch-tv twitter typekit typepad typo3 uber ubuntu uc-berkeley ucsf united-way unity university-of-arizona university-of-oregon univision ustream utorrent verizon viadeo viki vimeo vine virb virgin-media visualcv visually vkontakte vodafone volvo walgreens walmart warby-parker wave-apps wechat weibo weixin wendys western-digital whatsapp whoosnap-designer windows windows-phone wolfram-alpha wooga wordpress wordpress-com world-organisation-of-the-scout-movement-wosm worldline wufoo wunderlist xbox xing xy-gaming yahoo yandex yelp yo youtube zalongo zapier zendesk zerply zillow zootool zopim

##Credits Thanks to brandcolors.net, wouldn't be possible without them!