Kafka + Minio (S3) video converter

This project is a simple video processing system with:

  • Kafka for messaging
  • MinIO (S3) for storage
  • Ruby for broker connection and glue code
  • FFMpeg for video conversion
  • s3cmd for S3 operations

To try it out:

  • minikube start - start Minikube machine
  • ./deploy-infra.sh - deploy Kafka, Zookeeper, MinIO
  • ./deploy-topic.sh - create Kafka topic for input messages
  • ./deploy-app.sh - deploy converter app
  • ./deploy-sample-data.sh - create S3 buckets and sample input file
  • ./deploy-trigger.sh - trigger some conversions
  • minikube service minio - open graphical S3 browser (minioaccesskey/miniosecretkey) and watch the results in output bucket