
PANIC monitoring and notification system

PANIC is a open source code monitoring and alerting system for a node based on Cosmos-SDK, Substrate and Chainlink from Simply VC. The tool was created with users in mind and a lot of features such as quick send phone calls, Web-UI installation, and Telegram/Slack alerts.

Install git

sudo apt install git

Check version

git --version

Install docker and docker-compose

curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh sudo apt install docker-compose -y


docker --version docker-compose --version

Clone repo and change directory

git clone https://github.com/SimplyVC/panic cd panic

In catalog panic change parameters in file .env



UI_ACCESS_IP: IP address host where PANIC is installed

Run Panic

docker-compose up -d --build

If the build fails, remove the docker images with the following command, fix the cause of the failure, and start the build again:

docker-compose kill docker system prune -a --volumes docker-compose up -d --build

Setting up Telegram notifications

To create a Telegram bot, add @BotFather to Telegram, press Start, and follow these steps:

Send the /newbot command and specify the requested data, including the bot name and username

Write and save the API token, which looks like: 111111: AAA-AAA111111-aaaaa11111

Follow the link t.me/ to access the created bot and click Start.

Follow the link api.telegram.org/bot/getUpdates, replacing with the received bot token. A list of bot activities opens, including messages sent to it

There must be at least one message in the list, triggered by pressing the Start button. If not, send the /start command to the bot. Fix the "id" value in the "chat" section

This completes the creation of the bot, to create another bot, repeat the above steps again

As a result, we should get:

Telegram account Telegram bot API token Telegram bot Chat ID (chat ID)

Configuring monitoring and alerts

Monitoring of notification nodes and channels is configured at https://{UI_ACCESS_IP}:8000. For authorization, we use INSTALLER_USERNAME and INSTALLER_PASSWORD, which we specified in the .env file.

After authorization, the monitoring wizard starts. All the necessary actions are intuitive and commented in detail. This manual can be used for other cosmos networks, but specifically in this case it was written to complete the task in HAQQ

Finally you need to change in app.toml API Configuration Section, string 114, you have to enable=False to enable=True, then save app.toml file and restart node Thats ALL!!!