
Questions and Answers. A class project for course "Professional Development with Ruby on Rails"

Primary LanguageRuby

Questions & Answers

A class project at online school for rails developers Thinknetica.com

Professional grade web application

Main features:

  • A guest can read all the questions and answers as well as the comments to both
  • A guest can also search through the entire application (full-text search)
  • A guest can register himself by completing the form or by using his Twitter or Facebook account
  • Registered user can ask a question, give an answer or leave a comment to any of both
  • User can also attach a file to his question or answer
  • There are options for a user for editing or deleting his question or answer
  • User can also vote up or down for a question or specific answer
  • Author of a question can check an answer as the best suitable answer for him
  • When there is a new answer for a question, the author receives an email about this event
  • Every user can receive a 24h digest which consists of a list of new questions
  • Every user immediately sees a new question in the list of questions when it is created by someone else
  • Also if you are at a question page and someone else has left a comment here you will see it immediately
  • A third party application can use API for work with questions/answers

Technical details

  • Ruby 2.3.7 and Rails 5
  • PostgreSQL 9.3
  • Sphinx 2.0.4 as a search engine
  • Doorkeeper: OAuth provider, REST API
  • SendGrid: transaction email provider
  • ActiveJob/Sidekiq: Delayed mail delivery
  • Redis: cache store and queue store for Sidekiq
  • PrivatePub/Faye: Websockets messaging (new question or new comment)
  • Authentication: Devise 4.2 + OAuth (Twitter, Facebook)
  • Authorization: CanCanCan
  • There is AJAX functionality for better responsiveness (voting, editing, etc.)
  • Made with BDD/TDD approach (RSpec)


  • This app is deployed at http://qna.kudashkin.pro
  • Production server is powered by Nginx + Unicorn on Ubuntu LTS 14 Server
  • Whenever: crontab tasks
  • Dotenv: ENV variables
  • Capistrano for deploying

Future plans

I'm planning to change PrivatePub to ActionCable in a couple of weeks.
Also I'm willing to try Pundit for Authorization.