A simple number converter allowing conversion from decimal number to binary or a binary number to its decimal equivalent.
program is a single threaded standalone command line C++ application
uses Boost, installed library is required to run the program
parameters are passed through command line
proper makefile is prepared
- to compile run:
- to clean from *.o files, main and tests executive files:
make clean
- to run clean and also compile main program and unit tests:
make all
- to execute main:
or :
make run <value> <source_conversion_type> <*target_conviersion_type*>
For example:./main <value> <source_conversion_type> <target_conversion_type>
make run 1500100900 decimal binary
- to run unit tests:
or :
make ut
- to compile run:
conversion result is displayed on the screen
currently supported conversions:
- decimal <--> binary
it can be easily extended for new conversions (i.e. to/from hexadecimal, octal)