

This is a logger collects the information adbout user's entries on your site even if he did not submit.

If user enters any values in any input this data sends to server via ajax and saves to the DB ALL data from each input field of the current page.

Also here is a snedData.php script which gets all data form "logs" table and sent a .csv file to the e-mail you want


Including to your project

Using of this logger is pretty simple. All you need to collect all entered information is include main.js script from JS folder to the end of your body section:

<script src="./js/main.js"></script>

And set up some parameters:

DB settings

All DB settings are in the /logger/DBSettings.php. For continous saving entered data - set the parameters of your MySQL DB.

Mailer Setting

To make this project send all collected DB records with e-mail at first you have to set parametrs up in file /logger/MailerSettings.php

Then, just go in your browser to    

After this step you should get an e-mail with userDataLog.csv in it.

Also you may set your server to run sendData sript for example every hour and you will recive your users' data automaticly every hour

If you use a terminal at server you need sudo.


After sending data to the e-mail table "logs" drops !!! Later it creates again by sript

.csv file

To make .csv file (in fact snapshot of your current logs table state) just run in browser

It will make a file named usersDataLog.csv in pathToLoggerDir/logs directory.

If you use a terminal at server you need sudo.



Javascript script uses jQuery. Include it before using!


Code written in native PHP v5.6 and does not have any dependencies


All queries are MySQL.