This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Application uses 3rd-party APIs:
So before start you need to get appropriate API keys and place them to the .env.json file
Runs the app in the development mode.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
Builds the app for production to the build
Build the project's artifacts and starts delivering at the localhost
To handle data values and store them in a safe way we use:
- fp-ts to store and handle application-level data
- io-ts to validate 3rd-party services' response in a runtime
To handle async-stuff rxjs was chosen.
In combination with fp-ts based helper called RemoteData
it allows us to create the separate monad-based helper called LiveData.
In general all LiveData stuff is just Observable<RemoteData>
wrapped in a monad-way
UI file structure is organized with an approach based on Atomic design.
All UI components (atoms/molecules/organisms) should be placed at src/ui.
Everything inside of src/ui
should not know about business logic at all!
All business logic should be placed at src/features dir.
Services logic should be placed at
All network-level codecs should be placed at the
All application level common type-models should be placed to the src/domain dir
All available application's routes should be stored in a single place: src/routes and have to match common pattern:
const routes = {
pathName: {
path: '/data/:dataID', // pattern for react-router to match
getPath: (dataID: string) => `/data/${dataID}` // path constructor