This is final project for cs50 from Harvard university
This is basic reading app that uses random algorithm to get story from short stories in database, it's desktop only version. You need to register to be able to read stories. It uses JWT authorisation. after you registr in the app you will be redirected to story where after you push get story button you get random story to read. after you read at the end of story you can press get story button once again to get another story. If you already registered you can navigate to login and login by using your credentials, after that you will be redirected to same story page that you were redirected on register. After you finish reading stories just hit logout button, to log out of app.
Used Technology:
React, Postgres, JWT, bcrypt, express, sequelize ORM, React router, frontend hosted on Netlifly for CI/CD, backend served from heroku with Postgres database extension, REST API.
Link for hosted App: