
A light-weight PHP MVC framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

miniMVC - A light-weight PHP MVC framework.

(c) Alem - Alemmedia.com


miniMVC is an MVC framework for PHP designed to provide a simple base for application developement, giving you the freedom to hack your way to the rest.

It features:

  • Clean, documented, object-oriented code
  • Simple URI-routing
  • Search engine friendly URLs
  • A parameterized query builder
  • A template-based MVC scaffold generator
  • Automated 'lazy-loading' of mvc components
  • Multiple application hosting
  • Templating support
  • Extension by third-party modules/classes,
  • Built-in bootstrap and jQuery integration for agile front-end development
  • CSV Logging


  • PHP 5.3.0 or >
  • Apache mod_rewrite and .htaccess override enabled.


  1. Create the database for your application.

  2. Generate the application skeleton using gimiMVC. ( Make sure the logs/ and cache/ directories are writable )

    ./gimiMVC.php -a MYAPP --generate

  3. Define the relevant information in the new application's config/ files.

    Config files to modify at the bare minimum: config/database.php and config/application.php.

  4. Use controller by visiting the application's index.php in your browser


  5. Hack away.


To make best use of the automatic loading methods and pre-defined parameters, it is highly recommended to adhere to these conventions.

For the miniMVC units 'foo' and 'foo bar':

  • Class Name: FooController FooBarController
  • File Name: controllers/FooController.php controllers/FooBarController.php
  • Class Name: Foo FooBar
  • File Name: models/Foo.php models/FooBar.php
  • File Name: views/foo/index.php view/foobar/index.php
Table and Column
  • Table: foos foobars
  • Column: foo foobar


applications/ 				- Contains your applications. 
		config/			- Contains configuration files for application.
		controllers/ 		- Contains controllers
		data/ 			- Contains schemas, xmls, and other relevant data files.
		docs/ 			- Contains documentation, textfiles and notes.
		models/			- Contains models
		modules/  		- Contains modules for extending the application
		libraries/		- Contains library classes defining reusable methods.
		public_html/		- Contains index.php and other publicly-viewable files.
			media/ 		- Holds css, js, and imgs.
			index.php	- The "boot strapping" script
		require/		- Contains required classes, scripts or files.
		views/ 			- Contains views of various types
			content/	- Contains views used to present content
			error/		- Contains views used for errors
			template/	- Contains views used for layouts and templates 
			shared/		- Contains views shared among multiple views
		temp/  			- Contains temporary files
system/ 				- Contains essential system classes.
tests/ 					- Contains tests for system classes.
gimiMVC 				- Generates MVC scaffolds
README.md 				- You're reading it.
.htaccess 				- Rewrites the url.