- 7
Feature request: Easier way to output typescript optionals, IE `?: Thing` for rust `Option` types, rather than `Thing | null`
#364 opened by dessalines - 2
- 0
- 2
Feature request: `export_all_to_string` function
#354 opened by Blechlawine - 3
- 3
Use std::path::absolute
#332 opened by NyxCode - 2
- 5
New release?
#356 opened by gschier - 3
Feature request: multiple concrete
#355 opened by loikki - 1
Type definitions on enums
#352 opened by JonasFocke01 - 2
bug: Incorrect ts generation when generating HashMaps that enums as a key.
#349 opened by MrVintage710 - 1
Dependency paths in Windows use back slash, though they should use the canonical forward slash
#345 opened by abhay-agarwal - 1
- 0
- 0
- 5
publish release please
#330 opened by jessfraz - 4
Feature request: Export in the same file
#296 opened by tymmesyde - 15
Feature request: allow method of including `[propName: string]: any` to type
#335 opened by murl-digital - 3
Feature request: Typed array types
#315 opened by eye-wave - 5
- 6
TypeList recursion limit
#289 opened by kamadorueda - 2
Add all of `ts(function)` to docs.
#327 opened by xiao-e-yun - 1
- 0
bug: `export::path:absolute` function fails when `TS_RS_EXPORT_DIR` is set to an absolute path and the `path_bug` test is executed
#322 opened by escritorio-gustavo - 2
bug: TS generated tests fail on struct with `serde_json::Value` type when running `cargo test`.
#325 opened by brochington - 0
bug: files are missing final newlines
#320 opened by lucperkins - 5
bug: Tuples cause imports to be missed
#317 opened by HalfVoxel - 4
- 11
Can we support `#[serde(with = "..")]`?
#275 opened by NyxCode - 6
- 0
Unqualified call to `Self::name()`
#308 opened by blackbeam - 6
exporting generic type with do_export!()
#182 opened by is-it-ayush - 2
Include `ObjectId` from `mongodb`
#186 opened by bennyhodl - 0
bug: Using `#[ts(rename_all = "...")]` `snake_case`, `SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE` and `kebab-case` is not compatible with serde
#297 opened by escritorio-gustavo - 1
Randomly failing `imports` test
#301 opened by escritorio-gustavo - 4
bug: `impl Trait` only allowed in function and inherent method return types, not in trait method return types
#285 opened by dedupely - 23
- 2
Feature request: `bnum` compatibility
#279 opened by aumetra - 6
Cut a 7.2.0 ?
#222 opened by lf94 - 13
Feature request: `#[ts(bound)]` attribute
#268 opened by WilsonGramer - 14
`#[derive(TS)]` and associated types
#261 opened by WilsonGramer - 4
'internal error: entered unreachable code' when generating struct fields using Results
#232 opened by Tom-Goring - 4
Bug: rename_all for enums doesn't match serde
#236 opened by stegaBOB - 2
Bug: `#[ts(skip)]` does not work properly in newtype variants of adjacently or internally tagged enums
#230 opened by timephy - 0
Add documentation to exported types
#188 opened by bennyhodl - 3
Generics don't work with `inline` and `flatten` when they have a default type or a trait bound
#214 opened by escritorio-gustavo - 1
thread 'rustc' has overflowed its stack
#223 opened by NyxCode - 1
- 1
- 0
Support the Result<V, E> type
#171 opened by KronsyC