
生命游戏搜索程序 apgluxe 的离线版

Primary LanguageC++

注意:apgluxe 的原作者为 Catagolue 提供了另一个域名:gol.hatsya.co.uk。这个没有被墙。只需把原版的 apgluxe 中的 catagolue.appspot.com 换成 gol.hatsya.co.uk 就能正常工作了。原版的最新版也已经添加这个地址(如果访问不稳定,可以尝试在 ping 得通的时候记下 ip 地址,然后改 Host)。因此此离线版已经没有意义了。


apgluxe 是由 Adam P. Goucher 创作的一个生命游戏搜索程序。它会在生命游戏或别的元胞自动机中生成汤,运行至稳定下来,从结果中识别出静物、振荡子、飞船等图样,并将结果上传到 Catagolue 网站上。

由于 Catagolue 用的是 AppSpot 的域名,在**大陆无法登录, apgluxe 也无法正常工作。于是我修改了一下,制作了此离线版。离线版不会上传结果,而是把结果保存在一个类似于 log.1457882181.m_cDbsaQswZHeL.txt 的文件当中。结果中的图样采用 apgcode 格式。原版中的一些命令行选项(如-k)不再支持。也不再支持用 ./recompile.sh --update 更新。

我完全不懂 C++,只是胡乱修改了一下,把看起来像是和联网有关的内容都删掉,好像能够正常编译,不能保证不会有错。如果身处墙外,请尽量使用原版

注意: apgluxe 只支持64位的电脑——至少原版是这么说的。如果是 Windows 用户,请先安装 Cygwin64

此外,我还加了一个 apgcode 转 rle 的脚本:apg2rle.py。它基于 LegionMammal978 发在 StackExchange 的一个聊天室里的一个脚本,原本一次只能读取一个 apgcode,我把它改成了批量转换。这个脚本必须在 Golly 里使用。先选择一个 apgluxe 生成的 log 文件,然后选择一个目录。转换出来的所有 rle 文件会放在那个目录里。


This program searches random initial configurations in Conway's Game of Life and periodically uploads results to a remote server. You can read more information about the distributed search at the following URL:

An automatic live Twitter feed of new discoveries found by the search was established by Ivan Fomichev:

There is also an automatically-updated summary page, with animations of interesting objects and various charts:

The search was originally performed by people running instances of a Python script; this repository contains the source code for a C++ program which is 10 times faster. The prefix 'apg-' stands for Ash Pattern Generator and the suffix '-luxe' refers to the capabilities vis-a-vis previous versions (apgmera, apgnano, and apgsearch).

Compilation and execution

Note: apgluxe can only run on x86-64 machines. If you have an ancient computer, then the recommended alternative is the Python script.

This program is designed to be compiled using gcc, the Gnu Compiler Collection. If you have this installed, then compiling apgmera is as simple as running:

bash recompile.sh

in the install directory. If compilation succeeded, the last two lines should resemble the following:

apgluxe v4.2-ll1.2: Rule b3s23 is correctly configured.
apgluxe v4.2-ll1.2: Symmetry C1 is correctly configured.

which means you are ready to run the program like so:

./apgluxe [OPTIONS]

The options may include, for example:

  • -k mypassword Upload soups where 'mypassword' is your key
  • -n 5000000 Run 5000000 soups per upload
  • -p 4 Parallelise across 4 threads
  • --rule b36s245 Run the custom rule B36/S245
  • --symmetry D2_+1 Run soups with odd bilateral symmetry

Example usage

This invocation will upload results every 20 million soups:

./apgluxe -n 20000000

If you want to upload soups non-anonymously, use the -k flag and provide a valid payosha256 key. The correct syntax is as follows:

./apgluxe -n 20000000 -k mykey

where 'mykey' is replaced with your payosha256 key (available from http://catagolue.appspot.com/payosha256 -- note the case-sensitivity). Omitting this parameter will cause soups to be uploaded anonymously.

If you have a quad-core computer and would prefer not to run four separate instances, then use the -p command to parallelise:

./apgluxe -n 20000000 -k mykey -p 4

This will use OpenMP to parallelise across 4 threads, and thus will produce and upload soups approximately four times more quickly.


Linux users

Compiling and running apgmera is easy, as explained above. To download the source code, use the following command:

git clone https://gitlab.com/apgoucher/apgmera.git

Then you can enter the directory and compile the search program using:

cd apgmera

If the online repository is updated at all, you can update your local copy in-place by running:

./recompile.sh --update

in the repository directory.

Windows users

Install Cygwin64 (from http://cygwin.com), ensuring that the following are checked in the list of plugins to install:

  • git
  • make
  • gcc-g++
  • python2

Open a Cygwin terminal, which will behave identically to a Linux terminal but run inside Windows. This reduces your problem to the above case.

If you get the error stoll is not a member of std, then you are using an old version of GCC. Run the Cygwin setup program to ensure that gcc-g++ is updated.

Mac OS X users

Again, use ./recompile.sh to compile the executable. However, things are more complicated:

Specifically, Mac OS X has clang (rather than gcc) as the default compiler and symlinks calls to gcc components (such as g++) to redirect to clang. Since clang lacks OpenMP support, this means that the -p flag will be disabled by default when you compile on a Mac. To utilise all of your cores, you will therefore need to run one instance per CPU core.

If you would prefer to have the full capabilities, download a copy of gcc and replace g++ with g++-4.2.0 (or whatever your version is) at the beginning of the makefile. You may also need to alter an environment variable for the terminal to find g++.