Small Issues and Fixes
xhlsgit opened this issue · 3 comments
Hello Ale. Thanks for your great work and it is pretty interesting! I am trying to reproduce some results and met with some problems. I fixed them and hope the fix info would be helpful for you!
- For the requirements.txt
- The Flax updated its version. But the current version itself has an unsolved problem, which will cause error. Here is the detail:
- Error: If we installl the most updated version of flax=0.7.0, it will report error:
- unexpected keyword argument 'restore_with_serialized_types'
- Reason: Flax=0.7.0 itself is buggy.
- Fix: update requirements.txt with “flax==0.6.11”
- Error: If we installl the most updated version of flax=0.7.0, it will report error:
- The Flax updated its version. But the current version itself has an unsolved problem, which will cause error. Here is the detail:
- One Codebase Bug:
- Load model issue:
- Problem:
- I finished downloading the checkpoints and was trying to run this cmd:
- python scripts/ -o viper_rl_data/checkpoints/dmc_vqgan -c viper_rl/configs/vqgan/dmc.yaml
- But got this error:
- The target dict keys and state dict keys do not match, target dict contains keys {'ResnetBlock_9', 'Upsample_2', 'ResnetBlock_8'} which are not present in state dict at path ./vqgan_params/decoder
- I finished downloading the checkpoints and was trying to run this cmd:
- Fix:
- change viper_rl/configs/vqgan.dmc.yaml:
- ch_mult: [1, 2, 2, 2] -> ch_mult: [1, 2, 2]
- patch_size: [8, 8] -> patch_size: [4, 4]
- change viper_rl/configs/vqgan.dmc.yaml:
- Problem:
Thanks @xhlsgit for these fixes! I'll make a PR with these changes when i get the chance.
One similar problem occured with the Downsample blocks, I posted this in the unclosed issue . Wish somebody can give a check.
Now for some reason the g loss and ae loss as well as the vq loss begin sky rocketing at around 150k timesteps and i dont know why and they never come down again... vq loss even went up to 10^13... I assume that is not intended, does this maybe have to do with the changes proposed here or what is going on?