SQUID GIF 1 photorise

Project name:

SquidStellar (A SquidCoders project)


Following the previous project SquidCoders, we maintained the name SQUID in this new project but change it to Squid Stellar.

Our goal was to build a CRUD (Create, Read,Update and Delete) project in PHP and MySQL using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, where you can:

  • Find a Homepage where you can read all the messages received from different fictional spaceships 🚀.
  • Create a new report by pressing the New Report button: a HTML form appears where you can upload reports from your spaceship to our space (data)base.
  • Modify or delete reports by simply clicking a button.
  • In case of clicking on modify,an HTML form to modify reports appears on screen loading the already uploaded data from the database.
  • The whole project is designed for desktop view exclusively.

Group members:


  • Figma Sketch figma

Sketch captura

  • Figma project figma



  • Frontend:

html5 css3 javascript

  • Backend:

php mysql

  • Libraries used:


  • Other technologies used:

git visual studio illustrator


  • To execute these tests use this command on Terminal > Git Bash from Visual Studio Code:
    $ vendor/bin/phpunit tests/FleetTest.php

  • Results: OK (5 tests, 5 assertions)
    tests results


  • Agile with SCRUM in Mob and Pair programming

Next steps:

  • Implement responsive view
  • Add a video background
  • Add a sound effect

How to install:


  • Visual Studio Code (or similar code editor)
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Composer ⬇️ Download COMPOSER (Dependency manager for PHP) from https://getcomposer.org/ on the Download section

Please follow these instructions:

  • Open Visual Studio Code and press new Terminal + Git Bash
  • Run Composer-Setup.exe. Choose Installation for all users
  • Go back to Visual Studio Code in New Terminal and write:
  • $ git clone https://github.com/Beadeavila/SquidStellar.git
  • $ composer install
  • Create your local database in phpmyadmin (MySQL) with the name stellarcommander
  • import SQL table from route: public/database/reports.sql