Intro a Vue.js

1. Project Description

  • The FEM Coders Málaga Bootcamp asks us to take the first steps with Vue.js
  • This template allows us to start developing with Vue 3 on Vite..

2. Fullstack Developer

3. Project Preview

  • Open IDE
  • Copy in the terminal: git clone
  • In the IDE run git clone command, an paste the HTTPS.
  • Write in the IDE terminal (In the project folder) the command: npm install vue.
  • Type in the IDE terminal: npm run format and press intro.
  • Type in the IDE terminal: npm run dev and press intro. It will open the port http://localhost:5173/ from where we can view the project.

4. Stacks

  • Vue.Js
  • Vite
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap