Small programming language designed to work with Hackasm and VM-O-MATIC
# work in progress...
# Using assembly because the language still lacks many features
# All of this will soon be possible with high level syntax
fn add_8_8(a byte, b byte) byte {
asm "ldrx %a"; # Loads X with 1-byte value from the address of `a`
asm "ldry %b"; # Loads Y with 1-byte value from the address of `b`
asm "addxy"; # Adds X and Y together
asm "strx %__ret"; # Saves the result in the return buffer
noret; # Signals that the function returns a value even if there's no `ret`
fn main void {
buf x byte; # Declaration
buf y byte; # Declaration
buf z byte; # Declaration
x = 1; # Assignment: NOT SUPPORTED YET
y = 2; # Assignment: NOT SUPPORTED YET
z = add_8_8(x, y); # Assignment with call: NOT SUPPORTED YET (Expr evaluation)