MD Notes

This application allows you to view the contents of a specific shared folder on a server, directly on your smartphone.

MD Notes is provided with a server-side application, with which to share the contents of a folder, and a client-side application with which to interface and view the contents.

Actually, the only file extensions supported are:

  • .md markdown
  • .png image
  • .jpg image

Server application

As mentioned before, MD Notes provides a server-side application, with which to share the contents of a folder.

This server application is located in the server folder. Inside this folder there is the data folder, which contains the contents you want to share.

The structure of the server folder is the following

├── data
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── index.js
├── node_modules
├── package.json
└── package-lock.json

Custom preferences

You can customize the location of data folder, or the port where the server service will run.

You can set you preferences by modifying the .env file.

PORT=[port number]
DATA_DIR=[your data folder path]

The default values are:

  • PORT: 7867
  • DATA_DIR: data

Server Installation

The software required in your system are:

  • npm
  • node

After you install the previous dependencies, go in server folder and install all node modules

cd server
npm i

If you have not modified the .env file (as mentioned in the previous section), create a folder called data in which to place your files you wish to share

mkdir data

Now install the last dependency forever, a simple CLI that allows you to run scripts continuously as a deamon.

[sudo] npm install forever -g

Now start the server process with the following command

forever start index.js

NOTE: if you prefer, you can use an other tool to run the server application as a deamon process.

Client Installation

Future Features

  • add app icon logo.
  • add refresh indicator when fetch data.
  • others file extensions support.
  • security layer with login.
  • edit mode for file editing.
  • manage files via smartphone application.