
Some API's for blog management

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel blog api

About the project

Project made for Full Stack developer course.


It requires the creation of API Rest using Laravel framework that allows the user trhough authentication to add text posts to a feed giving the possibility to tag other users and edit the post itself.


  • Authentication: Login
  • Authentication : Registration
  • Authentication : Logout
  • Feed: List of paged and filterable feed
  • Feed: add new post (Title, Description, User which is associated)
  • Feed: edit post (Title Description, User which is associated)
  • Feed: post Delete
  • Notification list of a tag in a post


  • Send an email every time a user is tagged in a post
  • Log table for all actions on the posts

Build With

  • PHP using Laravel as framework

Getting started

Make sure to have docker installed in the computer.

  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/AlessioChen/Laravel-blog.git
  1. Lauch these commands to inizialize docker.
 cd Laravel-blog
 docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer install
  1. Create e .env file and fill with DB and mailtrap data, you can find an example in .env.example
  2. Start the server
 vendor/bin/sail sail up 


  • To test the endpoints use postman.
  • Random data can be seed into the DB with the command
vendor/bin/sail sail artisan migrate --seed 
  • All endpoints can be founded in the api.php file for example the login route is
