
Pytorch models to train on the disprot disorder/linker datasets

Primary LanguagePython

Disorder and linker datasets from Disprot

The purpose of this project is to create pytorch datasets for the Disorder and Linker datasets from Disprot.


  • python 3.8+
  • pytorch
  • torchvision
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • biopython
  • tqdm

Structure of the project

    /clusters   -> contains the clusterization results created with CD-HIT
    /dataset    -> contains the json files with the disorder and linker datasets (id, sequence and target)
    /fasta      -> contains the fasta files of the sequences in the two datasets (disorder and linker)
    /references -> contains the references (targets) in fasta-like format
    /splits     -> contains the splits of the datasets in train and test (uniprot and disprot id)
        /pssm   -> results of PSI-BLAST on uniref50
/dataset        -> contains python code to create the datasets for Pytorch
        disprot_dataset.py -> Contains the code for the creation of the two datasets (disorder and linker)
        encoding.py        -> Contains the code for the encoding of the string sequences in the datasets
        utils.py           -> Contains utils code to read pssm and encode the targets
/scripts             -> contains bash scripts to run jobs to extract features (hhblits, spider2, psi-blast)
crate_references.py  -> contains the code to create the references in fasta-like format
create_train_test.py -> contains the code to run CD-HIT and to create the splits in train and test (uniprot and disprot id) 
parse_features.py    -> contains the code to parse the features (hhblits, spider2, psi-blast) - not used for now
main.py              -> contains the code to create the network model, train the model and test the model

What has been already done

Starting from Disprot two datasets (disorder and linker) were created in this way:

  • First the uniprot sequences of the related annotations were extracted, filtering the sequences longer than 4000 residues
  • Subsequently a 30% sequence identity clustering was done via CD-HIT
  • Starting then from the clusters thus obtained, these were divided by counting 70% of the sequences for the training set and 30% for the test set.
  • The datasets containing the sequence id, the sequence and the reference (the true positive and true negative in 0/1 format) were then created. The datasets were exported in json format.
  • Different features have been calculated for all the sequences of the two datasets (PSSM, HHM, SPIDER2)

Regarding the DataLoader (or rather Dataset) for PyTorch the following things have been done:

  • The basic data (sequence and target) are loaded from the previously created json
  • The sequence is transformed by encoding into an integer tensor (pytorch does not support strings), this can already be used as a feature if desired
  • Also, a parameter can be passed to load the PSSM feature to have a total of 21 features for each residue (one to identify the residual and 20 of PSSM)